Friday, October 28, 2011

The Heritability of Sociopathy and Psychopathy: Implications and Considerations

If a person inherits the sickle cell gene from one parent but not the other, that person has immunity from malaria with no side effects. In the tropics, it's like winning the lottery. However, if a person inherits that gene from both parents, he/she has sickle cell anemia, and it's a death sentence.

If a person inherits the homosexual gene(s) from one parent but not the other, that person is bi-sexual, and has a significantly higher probability of successfully reproducing. However, if a person inherits that gene(s) from both parents, he/she is a homosexual, and has much lower chance of reproducing.

[Technical note: this is called "rate-limiting".]

Similarly, if a person inherits the psychopath gene(s) from both parents - let's call him a "Double-Dose" - he (and the Double-Doses are all male) is the conventional understanding of the word "psychopath." They are the ones who rape, torture, and/or murder with their own hands. Most of the literature on psychopaths has come from studying these Double-Dose ones. They are 1% of the population.

However, if a person - male or female - inherits the psychopath gene(s) from one parent but not the other, that person is a "Half-Path." As the name implies, the Half-Path is only half as psychopathic as the Double-Dose; this has given rise to the word "sociopath." This is a misnomer, because it is an inherited defect, not the result of socialization. No-one who did not inherit the psychopath gene from either parent can be tortured or abused into being a psychopath; anyone who received the psychopath gene(s) from either or both parent(s) will develop the psychopathic personality no matter how they are raised. They are another 4% of the population.

Unlike the Double-Dose, the Half-Path does not typically rape, torture or murder with his/her own hands; like the Double-Dose, the Half-Path cannot feel he/she has done anything wrong. They are the white-collar criminals who caused the financial crisis. They are the politicians who feel just fine about pretending to be whatever the voters seem to want at any given time, then once in office do whatever they want. They are the higher-ups in the Catholic Church who, when they learn a priest has been molesting children, move that priest to another church and don't tell anyone at the new church that he was molesting children at the old one, thereby protecting and facilitating Evil.

The psychopaths - Double-Dose and Half-Path - are White, Black, and Asian; they are rich and poor; they are Republican and Democrat; they are Conservative and Liberal; they are Capitalist and Communist.

Unless and until you learn about the great science that's been done on the subject, you cannot act in favor of the good future:

Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley (out of print but available free online)

Without Conscience by Robert Hare

Snakes In Suits by Paul Babiak and Robert Hare

The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout

and the fMRI work of Adrian Raine (proving their brains are different).


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Excellent article.

    If the world read and understood this, we'd be on our way to a truly beautiful planet.

    If 5% of the population is a Double-Dose or Half-Path, that's 350 million people. What a vast amount of pain and strain on our planet. In an ideal world we should screen OUT these people who are currently running and ruining the world. It's unfortunate that these people are deformed, but we wouldn't vote into office people who were born obviously mentally-retarded and likewise unsuitable.

    This information is not known to most people because the D-D's and H-P's in science and government are preventing and blocking this information from common knowledge. And boy to they go to depths to hide their deformity, from becoming priests, heads of benevolent non-profit organizations, etc.

    Jeffrey, do you know whether DNA tests are possible to identify the D-D and H-P traits from hair, blood or urine samples???

    I've read recently that DNA can be altered, but I don't know yet if this is a scientific fact. Also, can the DD/HP DNA trait be altered???

    If so, THAT should be the VERY FIRST THING we do on the planet. Imagine a DNA altering vaccine for this group!!

    Thanks for posting your comment on the Financial Tyranny article. You probably know as well as I that when a psychopath is charged with a crime (IF they're actually caught!) they know to use the ole "I was abused" excuse.. it's classic. It's unfortunate that David Wilcock was given misinformation about psychopaths being psychopaths "due to abuse." I still think, though, his Financial Tyranny article is extraordinary and an absolutely pivotal piece of work.

    P.S. This is certainly a "low vibration" topic, but the TRUTH will set us free. LOVE PEACE & JOY to you and other readers.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    You are a fool... and so is the idiot who commented this.... Stop trying to make your own scientific studys from the crap that u call a brain

  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Where's the evidence for 'half-paths' or even that there are just two homosexuality genes (and that bisexuals have more heterosexual sex). Neat sweeping theories, shame they're probably wrong.

  4. Mask of Sanity is not out of print. Why would two homosexuals have heterosexual sex with each other? Thanks for calling me "deformed."
